Introduction to the Gender Equality On & Off-Stage Project and its Methodology
In addition to compiling the good practice examples, the project’s other objectives included a review of existing research work focused on the sector, gathering data, and identifying current trends in the sector.
The project was organised in five main phases.
Desk research, designing a survey for social partners, and collecting survey results.
Six online study visits in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK involving members from the project steering committee, researchers and social partners from the respective countries.
A series of four two-hour workshops covering different dimensions of gender equality in the live performance sector. These events, entitled ‘Gender Equality Thursdays’ took place throughout the autumn of 2021. Each had a keynote speaker and a panel of experts. Each Gender Equality Thursday covered a specific topic:
The Covid-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Gender Equality on 16 September 2021,
Addressing Bias and Combatting Stereotypes on 7 October 2021,
Combatting Sexual Harassment in the Live Performance Sector on 28 October 2021,
Equal Access to Decision-making and Leadership Positions on 18 November 2021.
Compilation of a good practice database based on the findings from desk research, survey results, country study visits and Gender Equality Thursdays discussions. The idea of the database is that it will serve as a source of inspiration and good practice for social partners and policy makers in other countries. In this way it has the potential to contribute to achieving better gender equality in the live performance sector across the EU countries and beyond.
The final project phase was the public launch of the database and of the materials arising from the Gender Equality Thursdays series via this dedicated website. The aim is to provide the European Social Partners and their affiliates with tested, practical and up-to-date materials to further develop their work on Gender Equality.